Friday, August 30, 2013

What a great first week of school! I am so excited to have such a wonderful group of students in my class. Most of the week was spent establishing routines and expectations and getting to know each other. In the beginning of the week students brought in items that were special to them to share with the class. Students brought their favorite books, heirloom jewelery, video games, and even a sarcophagus!

In phonics, we reviewed consonant sounds and the short "a" sound. First we read The Fat Cat on the Mat, and then students worked in groups to list all the words they could think of that rhymed with "cat."

In math, students reviewed number recognition and completed beautiful color-by-number butterflies. We also played Ten Frame Bingo!

On Thursday and Friday, students practiced D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read). Students will be working all year long on improving their stamina while reading independently.

Visit the Photo Gallery for more pictures from this week!