Saturday, September 28, 2013

This week the students let their imaginations run wild. We did many activities which allowed for individual expression and provided opportunities for students to think critically in order to solve problems.

In grammar, students practiced rearranging words in the correct order to create a sentence. Students shared the pen to write sentences that made sense.

In reading, students explained in writing how pictures can give more information about a nonfiction text. Students also asked and answered questions about two nonfiction books: Apples and More Apples and From Seed to Pumpkin. This task required a lot of focus, and I am very proud of the students' hard work. 

In math, our students developed a new superpower: X-ray Vision! This is a game which teaches students to identify missing addends in story problems. For example, Mrs. Heidloff baked 10 cookies. Mr. Hodge at some of the cookies. Only 7 cookies were left. How many cookies did Mr. Hodge eat?
This game is great for practicing fact fluency, and can easily be played at home!


Students also drew simple representations and number sentences while listening to a story problem. Watch the lesson below to see the students in action.

Our Can-Do Kid this week was Vivian! The students and I had so much fun learning all the things Vivian can do. Vivian shared her poster with the class, read her favorite book, and we also watched a slideshow of her growing up.


Finally, this week students created clay sculptures of their favorite books characters. It was great to see students express themselves creatively, and special thanks to Mr. Rodriguez and Mrs. Minor for their help with this project. 

Make sure to visit the Photo Gallery to see more pictures from this week!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

This week our class received a couple of new additions to the classroom: a projector and an iPad! The students and I had a blast using the technology to learn in new ways.

In reading, students learned how illustrations can tell us more information than what is given in the text. Students drew a picture of an illustration that helped them understand something about the text, and then later put these skills to use with their book buddies!

In math, students learned the many ways make an 8 and a 9. We practiced counting from a given number by playing a new game: Sparkle!


Students also practiced creating story problems using Rekenrek bracelets with 10 beads. We also used the iPad to practice writing equations that complement story problems.


Our Can-Do Kid this week was Anthony! The students and I had so much fun learning all the things Anthony can do. He shared his poster with the class and we read his favorite book, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?

Make sure to check out the Photo Gallery to see more pictures from this week!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Muy Caliente!

This week the students did a great job of maintaining their focus during the heat wave. We accomplished a lot this week, and I am very proud of my hardworking students.

In phonics, students practiced blending and isolating the sounds in a word. Students drew 4 blocks on a whiteboard and placed a cube in each block for every sound they heard. Students also brought home their StartSmart practice books, and next week we will begin our Treasures reading curriculum.

In reading, students studied the differences between fiction and nonfiction. To practice identifying these traits, we read Bear Snores On and Bear Cub Grows Up. Students then completed a Venn diagram comparing fictional elements of Bear Snores On with the real facts we learned in Bear Cub Grows Up.

In math, students learned the many ways to make a 6 and a 7. Students learned that 5+1 is the same as 1+5, etc. We practiced this skill by writing all of the expressions and numbers bonds representing compositions of 6 and 7. Students also learned to "count on" from one group to reach the total.

Students also began to practice handwriting this week. Each day students will work on one handwriting skill. This coming Monday, students will be bringing home their first homework packet. Homework is due every Friday.

Thank you to all the parents and families that attended Curriculum Night! I really enjoyed getting to know all of you, and I hope you learned a bit more about what students will learn this year. If you were not able to attend, please visit the following links for more information and to pick your fall conference time:
These links are also available in the Important Links tab. I apologize for the lack of pictures this week. Check back next week for more photos!


Friday, September 6, 2013

This week was packed full of first grade fun! In phonics, students practiced blending and identifying beginning and ending sounds. We read rhyming books aloud and even practiced some of Dr. Seuss's terrible tongue twisters!

In math, students used whiteboards to illustrate story problems. Students then referred to their illustrations to justify their reasoning.

In reading, students learned about the elements of a story: characters, setting, events, and problem/solution. We practiced identifying these elements by discussing The Princess and the Pea and The Three Little Pigs. Students then put their knowledge to good use by identifying these traits in their own favorite books, which they brought to Book Buddies! This year our Book Buddies will be Mrs. Browning's third grade class.

On Thursday the class ventured outside for a garden hunt. Students picked ripe cherry tomatoes and ate some as a snack. Many students tried both red and green tomatoes, and every student brought home one tomato for their family. 

Visit the Photo Gallery for more pictures from this week!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Please be aware...

Nurse Jamie has asked all first grade teachers to post the following information regarding head lice prevention and care.

DEAR PARENTS/GUARDIANS:                                                                                                                           
A student in your child’s grade level had head lice. While lice infestation is NOT a disease and head lice do not spread disease it is an expensive and time-consuming process to effectively rid a child of lice.   Lice cannot hop or fly; they crawl.  Transmission in most cases occurs by direct contact with the head of another infested person.  Indirect spread through contact with personal belongings of an infested person (combs, brushes, hats) is much less likely but cannot be excluded.  It is probably impossible to totally prevent head lice infestations.
Please check your child for lice/nits on a regular basis.  “Checking” means visually observing the hair and combing it with a metal nit comb.  Nits look like flakes of dandruff or droplets of hair spray.  The difference is that dandruff or hair spray will come off easily when the hair shaft is shaken, whereas nits are very difficult to remove.  If you see lice or nits on your child’s hair, follow the directions on the back of this page.  If you aren’t sure what you are looking for please contact me.  Most children should not need to miss any school because of lice.
This letter is a reminder to be vigilant in checking your child’s head.  Parents of a child found to be infested at school will be called so that the child may go home for treatment. Teachers discourage children from sharing any articles of clothing, brushes, combs, and hair ornaments.  Please be aware that it is no longer recommended that the school nurse screen all class members.
For more detailed information I encourage you to read reports and recommendations found on the following web sites: The Centers for Disease Control (, The American Academy of Pediatrics (, and The National Association of School Nurses (

Jamie Peterson-Strokosch, RN, BSN, CSN
Irving School Nurse    

Treat the Infested Person
1.       Apply lice medicine (pediculicide) according to label instructions.  Do not use more of the product or use more often than the label instructions.  Do not use a crème rinse or combination shampoo/conditioner before using lice medicine.  Don’t rewash hair for 1-2 days after treatment.
2.       Nit (head lice egg) combs should be used to comb nits and lice from the hair shaft.  Many flea combs made for cats and dogs are also effective.  Nits can also be pulled out with fingernails.  Rinse comb in hot water between combings.  Check hair and comb with a nit comb every 2-3 days after treatment.
3.       Check all family members, including adults.  Shampoo anyone who has nits.  Do not use shampoo on any child under 2 years.  Lice do not infest household pets so they don’t need to be treated.
4.       Treatment with suffocation agents such as vinegar, alcohol, olive oil, mayonnaise, melted butter, or Vaseline have been advocated but most have not been scientifically studied and are not considered to be effective means of louse control.
Treat the Household
1.       Machine wash all washable clothing and bed sheets, blankets, mattress pads, and pillows which have been in contact with the infested person during the last three days.  Use the HOT water cycle.  Dry laundry using HIGH heat for at least 20 minutes.
2.       Dry clean clothing that is not washable.
3.       Items that cannot be washed or dry cleaned (stuffed animals, comforters, etc.) need to be stored in a sealed plastic bag for 2 weeks.
4.       Soak combs and brushes for 1 hour in rubbing alcohol, Lysol, or wash with soap and hot water.
5.       Vacuum the floor, furniture and car seats.  The risk of getting re-infested from a louse that has fallen onto a carpet or sofa is very small so don’t spend a lot of time on this.  Just vacuum the places where the infested person usually sits or lays.  Do not use fumigant sprays; they can be toxic if inhaled or absorbed through the skin.
Prevent Reinfestation
1.       Avoid head-to-head contact during play at school and at home.
2.       Do not share clothing, such as hats, scarves, coats, sports uniforms, or hair ribbons.
3.       Do not share combs, brushes, or towels.
4.       Do not lie on beds, couches, pillows, carpets, or stuffed animals that have recently been in contact with an infested person.
5.     Inspect and comb your child’s hair with a nit comb on a regular basis. Treat promptly if you see lice or nits.