In reading, students learned how illustrations can tell us more information than what is given in the text. Students drew a picture of an illustration that helped them understand something about the text, and then later put these skills to use with their book buddies!
In math, students learned the many ways make an 8 and a 9. We practiced counting from a given number by playing a new game: Sparkle!
Students also practiced creating story problems using Rekenrek bracelets with 10 beads. We also used the iPad to practice writing equations that complement story problems.
Our Can-Do Kid this week was Anthony! The students and I had so much fun learning all the things Anthony can do. He shared his poster with the class and we read his favorite book, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?
Make sure to check out the Photo Gallery to see more pictures from this week!
Make sure to check out the Photo Gallery to see more pictures from this week!