Saturday, December 7, 2013

In reading, students learned to distinguish between fiction and nonfiction texts. We discussed how certain text features can indicate whether a book contains real information. Students practiced this skill by reading Bats and Stellaluna, and later in the week we read Velociraptors and If the Dinosaurs Came Back. Students then completed a Venn Diagram after reading Click, Clack, Moo and Let's Visit a Dairy Farm. Students also studied how to use illustrations and main ideas in a text to describe its key details. We read Pointy, Long, or Round as a class, then students read A Ladybug's Life with a partner and shared with the class what information they gathered from the pictures versus the text.

 In math, students learned to create simple picture representations to solve subtraction word problems. To practice this skill, students worked in teams to create word problems which they then read to the class. The students really enjoyed solving their classmates' creative story problems!


In social studies, students plotted their historical events on a giant timeline! I really enjoyed listening to the students' presentations, especially because each event was so different from the next. If you are in the building, swing by the classroom lockers to see out timeline display. 

We also began our unit studying Holidays Around the World. Students learned about how Christmas is celebrated in the Netherlands, and also learned about Hanukkah. 

Kiran was our Can-Do Kid this week! We loved learning about all the things Kiran can do. Kiran is a gymnast and a drummer, and his favorite book is The Snowy Day

There are lots of extra pictures in the Photo Gallery this week, so make sure to check them out!