Saturday, April 12, 2014

In reading, students compared and contrasted two nonfiction books on the same topic. Students practiced this skill after reading Sylvia Earle, Scientist of the Sea and Meet Mae Jamison. Students also began a new interdisciplinary unit this week: Research! Students began by selecting their favorite jobs from a list, and then reading books on their chosen job. Next week students will learn how to take and organize notes before starting their writing.

In phonics, students studied the -ar pattern during Pirate Week. Students went on a word hunt, played Pirate Spin-and-Say, and learned the Pirate Yell. In grammar, students learned about comparative and superlative adjectives. 

In math, students continued their study of measurement. Students used centimeter cubes and two sizes of paper clips to measure different objects. Students also played Race to 20 and Race to Zero to practice their addition and subtraction skills. 

To wrap up our unit on economics, students created Economics flip books which defined important terms. We were also lucky enough to have a local banker come and speak to the entire first grade about saving money!

This week Raul was our Can-Do Kid! Raul's favorite subject is math, and he loves vanilla ice cream. Raul read Why I Love My Mommy and also showed the class an awesome slideshow. 

Friday was an exciting day! Our class watched students from Hatch School perform on the steel drums. It was also Pirate Day, so we went on a school-wide scavenger hunt using the iPad. 

Make sure to check out the Photo Gallery for more pictures from this week!