We also read a play during Reader's Theatre. Students practiced choral reading with inflection, then read their own individual parts to the audience. Next week students will add actions as they read!
In math, students continued their study of the "make a 10" strategy. Students also worked on identifying true and false number sentences, and strengthening their fact fluency.
In social studies, we continued out unit on Women's History with student presentations. Each student interviewed one woman over the age of 60 about her life when she was a first grader.
Our Can-Do Kid this week was Sophie! We really enjoyed learning all of the things Sophie can do. Sophie is a violinist, and she speaks both Chinese and French. Sophie read her favorite book, Let's Do Nothing! to the class and also shared some photos of her family.
On Friday, Mr. Packer visited us to conduct our classroom spelling bee. Congratulations to Lucy and Arabella! They will be our classroom representatives for the school spelling bee, and Barrett will be our alternate.
Mrs. Diehl also visited us to help students write their second blog post. If you have some downtime, please take a moment to read the kids' blogs and leave a comment!
For Fun Friday, students wrote sight words in frosting! Students each put a thin layer of green frosting on a graham cracker and wrote their sight words using a popsicle stick.
In other classroom news, I am expecting a baby in early August! The students are very excited, and I can't wait to hear all of their unique name suggestions. There are lots of extra pictures this week, so please check out the Photo Gallery when you can.