Tuesday, February 11, 2014

In reading, students compared and contrasted two texts on the same topic. Students practiced this skill after reading two books about snow, and then completed an assessment comparing two texts about Chinese New Year.

In writer's workshop, students used a main idea and detail graphic organizer to streamline their ideas. Students wrote about a topic they were an "expert" on, and then edited their work by checking spelling and punctuation.

In science, students continued to study matter. We examined different solids and discussed their properties. Students then observed a collection of solids and categorized them in many ways depending on their different properties. 

In math, students learned about fact families and all of the number sentences that can be created with these three numbers. Students practiced illustrating their thinking by completing math drawings after reading a word problem. 

Arabella was our Can-Do Kid this week! We loved learning about all the things Arabella can do. She read her favorite Pigeon book, and also told the class that her favorite subject is Fun Friday!

On Friday we celebrated the 100th day of school! It was so cool to see all of the kids' unique interpretations of what they will look like when they are 100. Students celebrated by making eyeglasses, doing 100 exercises, and creating portraits of themselves when they are 100 years old.

Check out the Photo Gallery to see more pictures from this week!